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Rollerball v4

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Boardgame Geek entry


A single route/multiple route game. Played on a square board with multiple concentric rings. The players have two counters - one for their base, which scores points for whenever the ball runs over it. The other counter is for their workman, whose job it is to run around and make changes to the ring. If the ball runs over the workman, they are returned to base. The ball travels clockwise around the outermost ring and players can build intersections or branches on each ring to divert the ball to other rings. Number of Players: 2-6
Type of Game: Abstract Strategy
Now Playtested!


1 Base and 1 Workman for each player
1 Board
A Deck of 34 Cards-

4 Ball dice




blackbase2.jpg bluebase2.jpg brownbase2.jpg greenbase2.jpg purplebase2.jpg redbase2.jpg whitebase2.jpg yellowbase2.jpg


blackworkman.jpg blueworkman.jpg brownworkman.jpg greenworkman.jpg purpleworkman.jpg redworkman.jpg whiteworkman.jpg yellowworkman.jpg

Track Changers

Down MoveReplacerSplitter DownSplitter UpUp Move

Ball Changers




Object of the Game

The winner of this game is the first player that is able to get five victory points.
The players have two counters - one for their base, which scores points whenever the ball runs over it. The other counter is their workman, whose job it is to run around and make changes to the board.



Placing initial pieces

  1. Bases—In clockwise order, starting with the winner of the bid, the players place their bases.
    • Bases may only be placed on corner spaces.
    • Bases never effect the movement of a ball.
    • Bases are never moved and can never be taken off the board.
    • No base may be placed in the inner track.
  2. Workmen—The players now place their workman anywhere they wish to on the board.
  3. Cards—Each player that has cards in their hand may place one on any space on the board, or they may pass.
    • Replacer cards may not be used in this stage.
    • A card can only be placed in unoccupied spaces.
    • No part of a card can be placed on a corner space.
    • If a player passes, they may no longer participate in playing cards onto the board.
    • Placing cards on the board continues until no player has cards left, or all players have passed.
  4. Ball—The winner of the bid places the ball on any unoccupied space on the board.


Each turn, a player (called the Acting Player) performs the following actions :-

  1. Balls—Move all balls on the board two spaces on their track in a clockwise direction, obeying any diversion cards or other rules to which that ball may be subject.
    • Any ball that would end up in the same space as another ball - and is not in a splitter on the card space marked with a Y“ - pushes the ball forward a space on the track. Otherwise the balls combine - remove one ball from play.”
    • Any ball that moves over a player's base (in the case of a rubberised ball, it must also be Down“ in that space) earns that player an additional card, even if they have a hand size greater than 4.”
      • This card may be immediately placed face up in front of the player as a victory point if they choose to. The cards are placed face up to show all players what cards still remain in the pack.
      • If there are no cards available in the deck, the player may take any card from the board.
    • Any ball that moves over a workman sends that workman back to their base. The player of that workman must also discard a card from their hand if able to.
      • If the workman is on a base counter - their own or another player's, they are not affected by any balls.
      • If the ball is rubberised and Up“ it does not affect the workman.”
  2. New Card—Pick up a new card for their hand if their hand size is less than 4.
    • If the deck is all used up, reshuffle the discards.
    • If there are no cards available in discards either, the acting player receives no card.
  3. Move workman—Do one of the following two types of move-
    1. Move—Move up to three spaces orthogonally on the board.
      • The workman may not enter the middle four squares marked with the Rollerball logo.
      • The workman may occupy any space with a counter, base or other workman.
      • The workman may not enter a space containing a ball unless it is a rubberised ball currently in Up“ mode.”
    2. Teleport—Discard a card from the acting player's hand and move their workman to any non-ball space on the board.
  4. Use the workman—The workman may make no action or may do one of the following three actions-
    1. Blow up a diversion card the workman is standing on.
      • Discard a card from the acting player's hand to discard a diversion card that the acting player's workman is standing on. The card on the board must not have any other player's workman on it, and it must not have any ball on it unless it is an Up“ rubberised ball. Move the workman back to the acting player's base.”
    2. Build on the board
      • Play a diversion card from the acting player's hand underneath the acting player's workman. No space covered by the card may contain a ball, a workman of a different player or any card or base. No part of the card can be on a corner space.
    3. Replace a Diversion
      • Play a Replacer card. The diversion card on the board must not have a ball on it at the time (unless that ball is rubberised and in the Up“ position). Discard the replacer card when played and the diversion card the acting player's workman is on, then play another card from the acting player's hand onto the board.”
      • The card played must be placed legally - there must be no diversion cards or balls in the spaces and one space of the card must be underneath the acting player's workman.
      • Other players' workman counters may be on the diversion card being replaced or the new card being played.
  5. 5 and 6 player move—If there are five or six players in the game, then the player seated 3 position to the acting player's left may also move their workman. The workman may NOT be used, only moved. The player may do one of the following two types of move-
    1. Move—Move up to three spaces orthogonally on the board.
      • The workman may not enter the middle four squares marked with the Rollerball logo.
      • The workman may occupy any space with a counter, base or other workman.
      • The workman may not enter a space containing a ball unless it is a rubberised ball currently in Up“ mode.”
    2. Teleport—Discard a card from the player's hand and move their workman to any non-ball space on the board.


There are two types of diversions - track changers and ball changers.

Track Changers

Track Changers are 1×2 cards played across two tracks of the board. A Track Changer card cannot be played on a corner track square, only on the straight tracks. No card can be played on top of any other card, base or ball.

Splitting Balls

Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 Turn 4

Combining Balls


Dead Ends If a ball encounters a dead end on a track changer card or at any other time, it is regarded as hopping over the card (in a similar manner to a Up Rubber turn for a rubberised ball) this turn and continues as though the card was not there.

Ball Changers

nball.jpg eball.jpg ruball.jpg rdball.jpg rueball.jpg rdeball.jpg
Normal Energised Rubber Up Rubber Down Energised Rubber Up Energised Rubber Down

Ball Changers are 2×1 cards played on a single track of the board. A Ball changer card cannot be played on a corner track square, only on the straight tracks.

No card can be played on top of any other card, base or ball. A ball counter is changed from the moment it leaves the Ball Changer card (ie the next square after).

Winning the Game

The game is won by the first player to achieve 5 victory points.

New Rules

Variants and expanded rules for Rollerball