Storm the Castle
Number of Players: 1-8
Inspired by WorldWorks' Shellendrak Manor and any B movie that includes a rampaging mob with torches and pitchforks taking down a mad scientist or similar
Object of the game
The goal of Storm the Castle is to kill the evil tyrant who has been tormenting the local village with his villainous ways and fiendish creations.
Layout the map
Place the Lair of the Evil Tyrant.
The Lair has no entrances or exits and should not connect to any door of any room. The only way in is to find the secret passageway with clue cards.
No room can be placed next to the Lair in such a way that a door would connect to the lair.
Each player takes a turn to place a room and a corridor until they have none left.
Every room should connect to every other room.
No room should connect to the Lair.
Both doors on each room should be connected.
Place the Castle Entrance tile last, where it is most convenient on a corridor.
Choose the evil tyrant type
Choose characters
Each player may choose any character group - but only one of each type may be in a game, except for Farmers.
Each character group receives +1 in a particular characteristic. This applies to all villagers in that group.
Place cards in rooms
Each player receives one random room card (it may be a type, level or special) which they can use during any room reveal to replace a card shown. This can only be done once in the game per player.
Statistics Sliders
Hero: 1 Str 2 Dex 4 Spd 0 Hlt 2 Skl 1 Wp
Lieutnenant: 2 Str 1 Dex 1 Spd 2 Hlt 1 Skl 1 Wp
Flunkey: 1 Str 1 Dex 0 Spd 1 Hlt 1 Skl 1 Wp
Choosing Characters
Hero, Lieutenants (2), Flunkeys (4)
Heroes receive a 1 space marker for characteristics.
Lieutenants receive a 3 space marker
Flunkeys use a 5 space marker
Starting Statistics
Strength/Dexterity track
Speed/Health track
Skill/Willpower track
Range: +4 +3 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +0
Humans and villagers have a basic Agility, Toughness, Health of 2 and a Move of 4.
Turn Sequence
Players move
Each player moves all their villagers
Villagers next to a door may choose to open the door. Doors may never be closed in the game (they're battered down in a flurry of righteous indignation).
Villagers that are in contact with a Fiendish Creation may attack them once each.
Fiendish Creations move
Each Creation moves towards the nearest villager at their full speed if possible. They will always attempt to mob a character and they make no distinction between flunkey, lieutenant or hero.
Creations that are in contact with a Villager will attack them once each.
Rooms receive 3 cards - a Type card, a Level card and a Special card.
When a character opens a door to the room for the first time, all three cards are revealed. Any player then has the choice to replace one of the room cards for the card they were dealt with at the beginning of the game.
Attacker's Dexterity > Defender's Agility = hits
Attacker's Strength > Defender's Toughness = damages
Basic Weapon = 1 damage
Charging - If the attacker charged (ie the first time they move next to the defender to attack), they receive +1 STR.
Mobbing - If there is more than one attacker in contact with the defender (up to a maximum of 4), each attacker receives a cummulative +1 DEX (after the first).
1 Attacker = no bonus
2 Attackers = +1 Dex for each attacker
3 Attackers = +2 Dex for each attacker
4 Attackers (maximum) = +3 Dex for each attacker
Morale - Morale counters may be spent to increase any characteristic by +1. Counters need not be spent before the characteristic is used, but can be spent after.
Character Type - Each character group receives +1 in a particular characteristic. This applies to all villagers in that group (ie the Sheriff, his Guards and Militia all have +1 STR)
Extra Damage - A magic weapon does +1 damage. Mob Fiendish Creations belonging to Evil Tyrants other than the Necromancer may cause +1 damage (see
Characteristic Specialisations)
Fiendish Creation Rules
Each player starts with 20 morale counters which may be lost through spooky events or through expending them to raise characteristics.
If a player runs out of counters, all the villagers in their party rout. Each turn the player must move all their villagers via the fastest route to the exit. No villager will attack any Fiendish Creation, nor will they ever move into an unexplored area. If they reach the exit, they leave the game, never to return.
Evil Tyrants
The Evil Tyrant is not placed on the board to begin with and is in a secret room that can only be found if enough clues have been revealed.
Mad Scientist
Evil Sorceror
Characteristic: Willpower
Variants: Infernalist (demons), Solomnolist (golems), Illusionist (illusion)
Dastardly Baron
Characteristic: none, special power of ressurrection
Variants: Animator (skeletons, zombies), Spiritualist (ghosts, wraiths)
Sheriff, Guards, Militia
Guild Master, Merchants, Street Hawkers
Innkeeper, Staff, Patrons
Farmer, Family, Farmhands
Schoolteacher, Assistants, Pupils
Priest, Elders, Congregation
Special Powers
Authority - The Sheriff is able to order other villagers around.
Trade - The Guild Master is able to trade items throughout his network.
Dutch Courage - All members of this group are immune to morale loss from fear.
Farm Stoicism - All members of this group are immune to Spooky events.
Spot - The Schoolteacher is able find hidden doors and objects
Once per room the player may find an item in the room they are in, if it contains fiendish creations - take the item from the discard pile. If there are no items discarded, nothing can be found.
Once per room the player may choose to find a secret door. Place a secret door counter on any wall.
Rally - With a rousing speech the Priest is able to rally any fleeing villagers.
How to win
If enough clue cards have been found to equal 1 high level (1 high = 2 medium = 4 low), a secret door is placed in the room. This door leads to the lair of the Evil Tyrant. Once the Tyrant has been defeated, the game ends and players total their victory points.
How to earn Victory Points
Lair of the Evil Tyrant
The Lair is 10×10 in size and contains all the remaining room cards, separated into groups of 3 (type/level/special).
The Evil Tyrant is a human with statistics of 2 and a Move of 4. Their characteristic specialisation is at 5.
There is a special movement rule for Fiendish Creations in this room - they will always defend the Tyrant first. Any villager attacking the Tyrant will have a higher priority.
Swarms, Mobs and Villagers are 1 space counters
Giants are 2×2 space counters
Secret Doors are 1 space counters
Map tiles
Rooms are a minimum of 3×3 up to a maximum of 5×5
Rooms have at least 2 doors of 2 space width
Corridors are 2 spaces wide and 3 to 5 spaces long
The Castle Entrance tile is 4 spaces wide
The Entrance to the Lair tile is 4 spaces wide
Map Building
For each player, take-
3 random room tiles
6 corridor tiles