New Contributor / good / A new contributor has added their data to your category / 2 spaces towards your island
Improved Metadata / good / Due to more detailed and standardised metadata about your category, the user can find it more easily / 3 spaces towards your island
New Relevance Ranking Formula / good / Results that the user may want are appearing first! / 1 space towards your island
FRBR Combining / good/bad / Items that are actually similar have been put in the same work and are easy to find/Items have been badly combined and are completely misleading. / 1 space towards your island/cancel a move by another player.
Buggy Filter / bad / Regular expressions or the XSLT have failed to turn gobbledegook into english / cancel a move by another player.
Internet Data Loss / bad / Not all information in a form post was sent / cancel any card just played.
Bad Cache / bad/ The page didn't load properly, clear cache and reload / reset the researcher's counter back to where it started.
Slow Connection / bad/ The researcher is using dialup at lunch time / all moves of the researcher counter are halved (rounded down) until your next turn (except for a New Release card).
Hacker / bad/ Comments and tags have crashed the system, the researcher leaves in disgust / discard the researcher card and draw a new one. Draw a new start card.
New Release / good / New features and bug fixes! / move the researcher counter to any space on the board.
Deep Linking / good / A supplier's catalogue is now searchable through Trove! / move 1 space in any direction.
Third Party Supplier / good / A new supplier is added to the get this item“ / move 2 spaces in any direction.”
Timeout / good/bad / The user gets bored and just clicks on something randomly. / the turn ends and the researcher goes to the closest island.