Table 9 - Unusual Birth Circumstances

Roll Number of Occurrences Next Table
60 or less Nothing Unusual Occurred 10
61-76 1 9A
77-85 2 9A
86-92 2 (GM secretly determines 1) 9A
93-94 3 9A
95-97 3 (GM secretly determines 1D2) 9A
98 4 9A
99 or higher 4 (GM secretly determines 1D3) 9A

Table 9A

Roll Occurrence Next Table
1-5 A person of note in the vicinity of the characters home died when he or she was born. 10
6-10 Wolves and dogs set up a howling at the moment of the characters birth 10
11-20 Mother died in childbirth 10
21-23 All glassware in the house suddenly shattered 10
24-25 All milk in the area, soured at the time of birth 10
26-27 Father believes the character is not his child, but the offspring of another man. This may or may not be true. 10
28-31 Character has an identical twin (20% chance of being separated at birth). 10
32-34 Water froze or boiled by itself 10
35-37 Seasonally unnatural weather occurred 10
38 Unnaturally potent storms raged 10
39-41 Character born at exactly midnight. Roll on the chart below 1D3 times.
1 : +1D6 Skill Levels to spell casting skill rolls during the hour past midnight.
2-3 : Nightvision
4-5 : Character is an albino
6 : -1D6 Skill Levels to spell casting skill rolls during the hour past noon.
7 : +1 Skill Level to all Stealth related skills
8-9 : +2 Skill Levels to Spell casting skill rolls at night
10 : -2 Skill Levels to Spell casting skill rolls during daytime
42-44 Character born at exactly noon. Roll on the chart below 1D3 times.
1 : +1D6 Skill Levels to spell casting skill rolls during the hour past noon.
2-3 : Blinded in darkness
4-5 : Extremely tanned skill. Acts as 1pt of Resistant ED
6 : -1D6 Skill Levels to spell casting skill rolls during the hour past midnight.
7 : -1 Skill Level to all Stealth related skills
8-9 : +2 Skill Levels to Spell casting skill rolls during daytime
10 : -2 Skill Levels to Spell casting skill rolls during nighttime
45-48 A seer declares that the character will be afflicted by an ancient family curse. Go to Table 868 - Curses to determine what the curse is. 10
49-53 The sky darkened when the character was born, like an eclipse. 10
54-55 The house became infested with poisonous snakes the day after the birth. 10
56 All gold in the house turned to lead 10
57 All metal in the house turned into precious metal 10
58-62 Character was left to die in the wilderness and was raised by foster parents 10
63-64 Character is born immediately after a tragedy. Roll on Table 528 - Tragedies to determine the nature of the tragedy. Generally the newborn is blamed for it. 10
65-69 Character is born with an unusual birthmark. Go to Table 866 - Birthmarks to determine the details. 10
70-75 Born with a curse. Go to Table 868 - Curses to determine what the curse is. 10
76-81 Born with a blessing. Go to Table 869 - Blessings to determine what the blessing is. 10
82-85 Character has a fraternal twin. 10
86 Character is one of a set of identical triplets. 10
87-88 Old hag/witch prophesizes the characters death. Go to Table 545 - Death Situations to determine the prophecy. 10
89-93 Character is born with an unusual physical affliction. Go to Table 874 - Physical Afflictions to determine the details. 10
94 Character is born psionic. Gain Psionic Skill Package. 10
95-99 A mysterious stranger bestows a gift on the character at birth. Go to Table 863 - Gifts and Legacies to determine the details. 10
100 Roll twice more on this table and add 20 to the rolls. 9A
101-105 Mother was reported to be a virgin. No reasonable explanation is ever given for this. 10
106-110 Character is the offspring of a mortal and a daemon. Gain the Infernal template. 10
111-120 Character is the offspring of a mortal and a god. Gain the Divine template. 10

Continue to Table 10 - Parents

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