Table of Contents

Military Packages

Occupations that require military skills. Including mercenaries, soldiers, deullists, etc..

The Greatswordsman

by Enforcer84

5 Strong: +5 STR
6 Tough: +3 CON

2 WF: Common Melee Weapons
3 +1 Level with Blades
6 +3 Levels with Greatswords

2 NO WAY CAN HE LIFT THAT! (+5 STR; only for STR MIN on large weapons; -1)

15 Whirlwind Attack: Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Area Of Effect (up to 3“ Radius; +1) for up to 30 Active Points of HKA (37 Active Points); OIF (Greatsword of Opporotunity; -1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2)

7 Gigantic Sword Defense: Missile Deflection (Thrown Objects) (OIF Greatsword of Opporotunity)

3 Eager to Fight: Lighting Reflexes (Readying his sword) +3 DEX only to act first.

Total: 49 pts


by Frenchman

5 Strong: +5 STR
10 Fit: +5 CON
2 Tough: +2 PD
4 WF: Common Melee, Common Missile
16 Skilled: +2 w/All Combat
4 Skilled: +2 w/Weapon of Choice
3 Shield Expert: +1 w/Shields
3 Tactics
3 Analyze Combat

+3 STR 3
+4 DEX 12
+5 CON 10
+1 BODY 2
+1 SPD 6
+2 PD 2


by Eosin

2 WF: Common Melee
10 Melee +2
0 PS: Warrior (Everymen)
2 KS: Military/Merc World

Zee Mousketeer!

by UltraRob

Nimble: DEX: +5 (15)

WF:Common Melee (2)
WF:Black Powder Guns (1)
The Fine Art of Swordsmanship: +3 w/Melee (15)
My Next Shot Won't Miss!: +1 w/Black Powder Weapons (3)
Clashing Blades: Martial Block w/Light Swords (4)
I've Got your Back: Teamwork (3)
I Meant to do That!: Breakfall (3)
Ride for France!: Riding (Horses)(3)
For the King!: PS: Musketeer (2)


by L. Marcus

STR 13 (3)
DEX 14 (12)
CON 13 (6)
SPD 3 (6)
WF: All Common Melee; Off-Hand; Bows (4)
HTH Two Weapons Combat (10)
CSL: +2 w. Blades (6)
PSL: +2 w. Bastard Sword vs. Sweep (3)


by DEFCON Clown

8 Mighty +8 STR
9 Nimble +3 DEX
6 Tough +3 CON

4 WF: Common Missile Weapons, Common Melee Weapons

8 Proficient +1 with all Combat
5 Proficient +1 with all Melee Weapons
5 Proficient +1 with all Ranged Weapons

4 Fast +2” Running
1 Good Swimmer +1“ Swimming


by Outsider

+5 STR
+1 DEX
+5 CON
-5 INT

WF : Common Melee, Unusual weapon (Swordchucks)


by Shadowpup

Itty Bitty, +4 DCV
Whoa, she's hot, +10 COM
Needle, 1 pip HKA, Autofire, Pen, OIF - needle
MA Martial Strike
MA Martial Block
MA Leg Sweep
Weapon Element - needle
She got Skills, +2 CSL w/ Martial Arts

12 Agile +4 DEX
6 Fast +1 SPD


by DEFCON Clown

9 Knife Expert +3 with Knives
10 Defense Manuever 4
3 Tactics
10 HTH Two-Weapon Fighting

The Lasher

by Lethosos

50 pts
9 1) +3 DEX
2 2) +2 INT
4 3) +4 PRE
6 4) The Whip's Luck: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED), Requires An Acrobatics Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; +0)
3 5) +3 CSL with any single attack with whips
8 6) Combat Targeting: Combat Archery
3 7) Fast Lash: Lightning Reflexes: +3 DEX to act first with Single Action
6 😎 +3 with Acrobatics
1 9) WF: Whips

Whip Martial Arts – add to Package Deal
4 1) Trip: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +2, v/5, Target Falls
4 2) Offensive Shot: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +0, Strike, +4 DC

The Foe Hunter

by Lethosos

50 pts
4 1) +2 EGO
5 2) +10 END
7 3) Foe Defense: Physical Damage Reduction, 25% (10 Active Points); Only Works Against Chosen Foe Type Limited Type of Attack (-1/2) 0
7 4) Seek Foe's Defeat: Deadly Blow: +1d6 (any circumstances, any HTH weapon) (10 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works Against Chosen Foe (-1/2)
9 5) Face Down Foe: Fearless (14 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works Against Chosen Foe (-1/2)
4 6) +2 with Deduction
4 7) +2 with Survival
4 😎 +2 with Tracking
2 9) +1 with Tactics
4 10) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons

The Grizzled Veteran

by Old Man

Years of difficult campaigning: +4 CON
I've had worse: +3 EGO
Been there, done that: +5 PRE
A thousand little tricks: 4 levels with all combat
Voice of experience: Oratory
Command decisions: Tactics +3 levels
Riding, familiarity with common melee and missile weapons, etc.


by CourtFool

+3 with All Combat
+3 with DCV
Fast Draw 11-
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons

Total Cost: 46


by LordGhee

Val Char Base Cost
17 STR 10 7
14 DEX 10 12
13 CON 10 6
11 BODY 10 2
13 INT 10 3
11 EGO 10 2
15 PRE 10 5
13 COM 10 2
3 SPD 2.4 6
7” RUN 6“ 2
3” SWIM 2“ 1

Distinctive Features: Monster Hunter, Easily Concealed, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses 5
Rivalry: with orther monster hunters, Professional, Rival is More Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry 10

2 Increased Arc Of Perception (240-Degree) (Normal Sight)
3 MEDIALLION OF PROTECTION: Force Field (4 PD / 4 ED / 3 Mental Defense / 3 Power Defense / 3 Flash Defense: Sight Group) (17 Active Points); Independent (-2), IIF Expendable (Extremely Difficult to obtain new Focus; -1 1/4), 2 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (-1/2), Side Effects (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

3 Riding 12-
3 Climbing 12-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Paramedics 12-
10 +1 Overall
10 +2 with HTH Combat
8 +4 with any single attack - sweep
3 Fast Draw - Dagger 12-
1 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 8-
1 Forensic Medicine - out sdie only (3 Active Points); Limited Power (Power loses about half of its effectiveness; -1) 12-
3 KS: Weapon and Armour repair (INT-based) 12-
1 KS: Traps < pit falls - snares - dead falls 8-
1 KS: weapons - types (INT-based) 8-
3 PS: Monster hunter (INT-based) 12-
3 KS: land monsters (INT-based) 12-
3 KS: spirt monsters (INT-based) 12-
10 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Flails, Homemade Weapons, Lances, Off Hand, Staffs

2 Reputation (A large group, 11-) +1/+1d6
1 Custom Perk - Monster Hunter Guild member

Total Cost = 125

Kristina of Aquilonia

by Lucius

After all you put me through 1)
You'd think I'd despise you
But in the end I want to thank you
Because you made me that much stronger 2)

When I, thought I knew you 3)
Thinking, that you were true
I guess I, I couldn't trust 4)
Called your bluff, time is up 5)
'Cause I've had enough
You were, there by my side 6)
Always, down for the ride 7)
But your, joy ride just came down in flames
'Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmm 8)

After all of the stealing and cheating
You probably think that I hold resentment for you
But, uh uh, oh no, you're wrong
'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do
I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull through 9)
So I wanna say thank you

'Cause it makes me that much stronger 10)
Makes me work a little bit harder 11)
It makes me that much wiser 12)
So thanks for making me a fighter 13)
Made me learn a little bit faster 14)
Made my skin a little bit thicker 15)
Makes me that much smarter 16)
So thanks for making me a fighter 17)
Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohhhh, ohh-yeah ah uhhhuh

Never, saw it coming
All of, your backstabbing 18)
Just so, you could cash in
On a good thing before I realized your game
I heard, you're going around 19)
Playing the victim now 20)
But don't, even begin
Feeling I'm the one to blame
'Cause you dug your own grave

After all of the fights and the lies
Yes you wanted to harm me but that won't work anymore 21)
Uh, no more, oh no, over
'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture 22)
I wouldn't know how to be this way now, and never back down 23)
So I wanna say thank you

'Cause it makes me that much stronger 24)
Makes me work a little bit harder 25)
Makes me that much wiser 26)
So thanks for making me a fighter 27)
Made me learn a little bit faster 28)
Made my skin a little bit thicker 29)
It makes me that much smarter 30)
So thanks for making me a fighter 31)

How could this man I thought I knew
Turn out to be unjust so cruel
Could only see the good in you
Pretended not to see the truth 32)
You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself
Through living in denial
But in the end you'll see

I am a fighter and I
I ain't goin' stop 34)
There is no turning back
I've had enough

'Cause it makes me that much stronger 35)
Makes me work a little bit harder 36)
Makes me that much wiser 37)
So thanks for making me a fighter 38)

Made me learn a little bit faster 39)
Made my skin a little bit thicker 40)
It makes me that much smarter 41)
So thanks for making me a fighter 42)

Thought I would forget
but I…
I remember, I remember, I remember
Thought I would forget
but I…
I remember. I remember, I remember 43)

'Cause it makes me that much stronger 44)
Makes me work a little bit harder 45)
Makes me that much wiser 46)
So thanks for making me a fighter 47)

Made me learn a little bit faster 48)
Made my skin a little bit thicker 49)
It makes me that much smarter 50)
So thanks for making me a fighter


by Tornado

3 +5 STR
3 +1 DEX
6 +3 CON
2 +1 BODY
2 +2 PD
1 +1 ED

10 Multipower: Battle Styles
1u a) Enrage: 1d6 Aid STR, and DEX, Variable Effect: STR and DEX simultaneously (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Self Only (-1/2), Side Effect (2d6 Drain INT and EGO simultaneously, always; -1),
1u b) CSL: +2 DCV
1u c) CSL: +2 OCV, DCV or increased damage with HTH
1u d) Defensive: 5 rPD, 3 rED, Activation 13- (-1/2)

10 Multipower:Combat Maneuvers
1u a) Death Spiral: Explosion (+1/2) on melee weapons of up to 20 AP
1u b) Suicide Strike: +1d6 HKA on melee weapons, Side Effect (2d6 Drain CON, always; -1/2)
1u c) Club: +3d6 HTH, HTH (-1/2)
1u d) Find Weakness 11-, Any Attack, Two Defenses Only (rPD, Armor; -1/2), Extra Time: 1 Turn (-1 1/4)

4 Tough: 1 BODY Healing, Reduced Endurance (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Extra Time: One Hour (-3), Self Only (-1/2)
1 Toughness: +2 rPD

50 Total Cost

The Wife

by Old Man

EGO 18
PRE 20
COM 07

Oratory 18-
Find Weakness 22-
30 pts. Ego Defense (Hardened)
+10 STR when Enraged

Psych Lim: Spoiled (vc/mod)
Psych Lim: Double Standards (com/mod)
Psych Lim: Inflexible (com/total)
Psych Lim: Incapable of Admitting When She's Wrong (vc/total)
Phys Lim: Cannot Speak More Softly Than 120 dB (com/mod)
Enraged: 18-

External Characters


MICHAEL LIMNER, Squire (60 points)

MOTOYOSHI JIRO (151 points)

MERRIYA de BLACKMERE (153 points)

SANURA (160 points)

MERRIYA de BLACKMERE (Paladin) (200 points)



VALERIA of the Red Brotherhood (182 points)

Hunted ⇐ 14 Former Patron
STR 13 3 pts
KS: Former Patron 4 pts
Psych Limit: Suspicious
Gambling 3 pts
Teamwork 3 pts
Riding 3 pts
Hunted: Agents of the King of Aquilonia ⇐ 8
EGO 14 8 pts
BOD 11 2 pts
CON 13 6 pts
+1 perception 3 pts
Fam Common Melee Wpns 2 pts
14) , 48)
Cramming 5 pts
PD 6 3 pts
INT 13 3 pts
Fam Common Missile Wpns 2 pts
Combat Sense
KS: Intrigue 2 pts
Reputation, ⇐ 14 : Betrayed Mentor
Danger Sense
Psych Limit: Stubborn
STUN 30 5 pts
REC 7 2 pts
Tactics 3 pts
PS: Warrior 3 pts
Linguist 3 pts
ED 6 3 pts
Scholar 3 pts
+1 all combat 8 pts
Vulnerable to Illusions: Twice effect from Mental Illusions, double perception penalty from Images.
PRE 20 10 pts
Maybe regeneration…?
+10 STR, No Figured Characteristics, only to meet STR minima or do added damage with weapons or hand to hand 5 pts
END 29 1 pt
Deduction 3 pts
+1 Melee Combat 5 pts
Jack of All Trades
Damage Resistance 6 pts (does not stop 1st BOD of a killing attack – ¼ ) Real pts 5 – I like this kind of build more than Combat Luck
+1 all INT based skills 3 pts
+1 Swords 3 pts
Eidetic Memory
+5 STR …..
….X5 END cost on +5 STR
Analyze Motive – Analyze skill for deducing the true motivations behind words and deeds 3 pts
Martial Arts, 15 pts
Power Defense 3 3 pts
Speed Reading