
This spell temporarily increases an archer's chance of hitting distant targets with his arrows. The spell only works with attacks made using a bow; crossbows, slings, and other ranged weapons cannot be assisted by this spell.

College: Change
Philosophy: Enchantment
Special Effects: Arcane Magic, Change, Enchantment
Effect: +5 Penalty Skill Levels vs. Range Modifiers With Any Bow
Casting Time: 1/2 Phase
Target/Area Affectd: Single Creature
Duration: Constant
Range: No Range
Active Cost: 26
Skill Roll Penalty: -1
Real Cost: 10
END Cost: 2

Arrowflight: +5 Penalty Skill Levels vs. Range Modifiers With Any Bow - Useable By Other (+1/4), Uncontrolled (Lasts 1 Turn; +1/2)(26 Active Points); Costs END (-1/2), Requires A Power Skill: Enchantment Magic Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4).

Spell created by Jack Butler

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