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Barony of Elbe-Elster

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1,889.4 km^2


Baron (Frieherr) Alden Elbe-Elster


140, 686

pop. density

69 inh./km^2


Capitol of Elbe-Elster

Herzberg (POP: 9,860) Size: 0.66 km^2 (163 acres) Town Guards: 131

Apothecaries 4 Fishmongers 8
Bakers 12 Furriers 39
Barbers 28 Glovemakers 4
Bathers 5 Harness-Makers 5
Beer-Sellers 7 Hatmakers 10
Blacksmiths 7 Hay Merchants 4
Bleachers 5 Illuminators 3
Bookbinders 3 Inns 5
Booksellers 2 Jewelers 25
Buckle Makers 7 Lawyers/Advocates 15
Butchers 8 Locksmiths 5
Carpenters 18 Maidservants 39
Chandlers 14 Masons 20
Chicken Butchers 10 Mercers 14
Clergy 247 Noble Households 49
Coopers 14 Old-Clothes 25
Copyists 5 Painters 7
Cutlers 4 Pastrycooks 20
Doctors 6 Plasterers 7

Major Towns in Elbe-Elster

Port towns in Elbe-Elster

Villages in Elbe-Elster

260 (total POP: 116,745)

Arable land in Elbe-Elster

64% (1,223 km^2) the rest is wilderness, rivers, lakes etc.

Livestock in Elbe-Elster

288,585 (196,237 Fowl / 92,348 Dairy and Meat)


There are approximately 4 standing fortifications in Elbe-Elster
Castles in active use : 3

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