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Mr White

Italian ex-Spy/Assassin

Inspired by - The Shadow and Faber


Angelo Di Dadi comes from a well-to-do Italian Catholic family. His parents were part of the diplomatic embassy to South Korea in the late 1870s. A large family, he has a brother and two sisters. All well educated and he gets on well with all of them even though they tend to have some rather extreme (or eccentric) personalities.

During the Great War, he returned home and fought for Italy in Austria-Hungary as an officer, but when things went badly wrong at Caporetto he decided that the way to win a war was to attack the head, not the body, and he turned to spying and assassination. It was leading him down a very dark path towards the end of the war before he had an epiphany thanks to the British Centurion, Hesketh Hesketh-Prichard.

Character Sheet


  1. Alertness Guns
  2. Guns Alertness , Intimidation
  3. Academics, Pilot, Deceit
  4. Rapport, Athletics, Resolve, Burglary
  5. Survival, Empathy, Fists, Weapons, Stealth


  1. Linguist
    • Language slots increased by five
  2. Gift of Tongues
    • All normal languages are known
    • Language slots are now used for non-normal languages
  3. Danger Sense Unapproachable
    • +2 to defenses when ambushed Use intimidation as the defence against rapport, empathy a nd deceit
  4. On Top of It Shot on the Run 
  1. Take It All In Trick Shot



Guest Star