Dirk lands on the windshield of the police aircar and is being checked out
Tyler ditches the rifle and makes mental contact with Khaine (eventually)
Dirk is taken to a hospital, and runs like blazes before the cops find out who he is.
Hector muddies the recorded biometrics of Dirk so that a larger percentage of the population registers as Dirk, so the AIs can't find him too easily.
Tyler re-finds his rifle * Tyler is very psychically well endowed, and Kaine is very receptive.
Kaine want's Tyler to bring the sniper rifle so he can touch it
Kaine goes to meet Tyler. Gets a psychometric reading from the gun.
The IT guy placed the gun that the assassin used.
Kaine notices that Tyler isn't looking very well
Hector interrogates the ITguy and finds out it is his boss that designates targets.
Kaine investigates and finds the public accessible schedule of Darwin Tindal in the hopes of getting Tyler in to touch him and read his mind.
Hector arranges an anonymous discretionary fund account from O2STK via the lawyer so Tyler can go to the networking meeting in style
Kaine, Tyler and Hector go to the party in a stylish sports car and a couple of escorts
IT guys communicator goes off, Dirk dumps it into a passing truck
Darwin eventually comes in, looking a bit frazzled by the recent kidnapping.
Tyler mindscans him finding he has a controlling personally set on killing Tyler
Hector scans Darwin for incoming signals controlling him - none found, but it does appear that part of his brain is acting as an ancient brain
Tyler tempts Darwin up to the roof to attempt to attempt to kill him
Darwin goes up with two bodyguards - Kaine and Hector follow up behind
A huge TV in front of Tyler shows the face that dominates Darwin's controlling personality
All the AIs focus on the people on the roof