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Character Sheets

Go back to Wargrounds Canberra

No Longer Used

This project has been superseded by NanDeck (makes it much easier). But I'll keep it on my website just because it was fun to do.



// Character Sheet creator for Wargrounds Canberra
// Version 1.5 20/8/24 - (character backgorunds)
// Currently hosted at
// Path to our font file (relative to the location of this file)
$font = 'blackwoodcastle.ttf'; // for field names
$font_data = 'oldeenglish.ttf'; // for player data
$font_wargrounds = 'vinque_rg.otf'; // for the "W"
// Path to images (relative to the location of this file)
$imagepath = 'data/media/wargroundscanberra/';
// defaults for sizes - to be overwritten by form inputs
$tempwidth = round(intval($_GET["width"]));
if (($tempwidth>0) and ($tempwidth<4000)) {
    $width = $tempwidth;
    } else {
    $width = 530; // pixel size x of image
$height = round($width*1.422); // size y of image
$fontsize = round($width/26.5);
$linespacing = round($fontsize*2);
$borderwidth = round($width/100);
$fontborder = round($borderwidth/2);
$textlength = 30;
// default placeholder photo to be replaced by image from form url
if (isset($_GET["photo"])) $photo=$_GET["photo"];
// the image used for the coin piles
// the image used for the weapons space filler
// array of default field names
$names = array(
	"Player Name:", "Character's Name:", "Titles/Nicknames:", "Race/Species:",  "Class & Tier:", "School of Magic-", "Faction:", "Warband:", "Marx:", "Fletching Colours-", "Character Background-");
// the field names used in the form
$getnames = array(
	"name", "character", "title", "species", "class", "magic", "faction", "warband", "marx", "fletching", "background");
//    0           1         2          3        4        5          6         7      	8        9            10
// 400px x 400px jpeg images stored on the image path (in the Dokuwiki media area) for faction logos
$factions_images = array("greyscales.png", "clans.png", "empire.png", "horde.png", "wardens.png" );
// used to cross reference the form data to the image name (the Bureaucracy plugin for the Dokuwiki doesn't send selection number chosen)
$factions_titles = array("Greyscales", "The Clans", "The Empire", "The Horde", "The Wardens");
// 2987px x 4250px jpeg images stored on the image path (in the Dokuwiki media area) for faction backgrounds
$factions_backgrounds = array("2background.jpg", "0background.jpg", "1background.jpg", "3background.jpg","4background.jpg");
// count number of field names
$numnames = count($names)-1;
// As it is used multiple times, make the font border thingy a function
function DoFontBorder ($im,$font_size,$start_x,$start_y,$colour,$font,$text,$font_border) {
	for ($x1=($start_x-$font_border);$x1<=($start_x+$font_border);$x1++) {
		for ($y1=($start_y-$font_border);$y1<=($start_y+$font_border);$y1++) {
//			imagettftext($im, $font_size, 0, $x1, $y1, $colour, $font, $text);
// check if any variables have been sent to this image - if they have, overwrite the default player data
for ($count=0;$count<=$numnames;$count++) {
   $player_data[$count]= $_GET[$getnames[$count]];
   // Convert the text of the selection for faction to a number
   if ($count==6) {
	   $player_data[$count]= array_search($_GET[$getnames[$count]],$factions_titles);
	   $bgimage=$factions_backgrounds [$player_data[$count]];
// Background image texture - now themed to faction
$imageback = $imagepath.$bgimage;
$im2 = imagecreatefromjpeg("$imageback");
// Create image
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);
// pick color for the text
$fontcolour = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
// pick color for text borders
$bordercolour = imagecolorallocate($image, 255,255, 255);
// add background texture
imagecopyresized($image, $im2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height,imagesx($im2), imagesy($im2));
// x,y coords for imagettftext defines the baseline of the text: the lower-left corner
// so the x coord can stay as 0 but you have to add the font size to the y to simulate
// top left boundary so we can write the text within the boundary of the image
$x = $fontsize; 
$y = $fontsize;
$showstuff = true; // by default show all fields
// Add weapons to the character Sheet if there's no character background
if (strlen($player_data[9])+strlen($player_data[10])==0) {
	$im6 = imageCreateFromPng($weapons);
	imagecopyresized($image,$im6, $linespacing*2, $linespacing*13,0,0,round($width/3.5),round($width/3), imagesx($im6), imagesy($im6));
// Add coin piles to the character Sheet
$im5 = imageCreateFromPng($coins);
if (strlen($player_data[7])>15) {  // Move the coin piles down to fit long warband names
	imagecopyresized($image,$im5, round($width/2), $linespacing*7,0,0,round($width/2),round($width/8), imagesx($im5), imagesy($im5));
	} else {
	imagecopyresized($image,$im5, round($width/2), $linespacing*6,0,0,round($width/2),round($width/8), imagesx($im5), imagesy($im5));
// Add the large W
imagettftext($image, $fontsize*3, 0, round($width*0.8), round($width/6), $fontcolour, $font_wargrounds, "W");
for ($count=0;$count<=$numnames;$count++) {
	$y=$y+$linespacing;  // increment by estimated line separation height
// Clunky bit to do positioning.  
	if ($count==3||$count==4) $y=$y+$linespacing;  // blank lines to separate
	if ($count==6) { // right column
		$y= $linespacing*5;
		$x= round($width/2);
	if ($count==8) { // centre the last text in the right column
		$text = $names[$count] . " 999"; // add possible length 
		$text_box = imagettfbbox($fontsize,0,$font,$text); // makes an array of co-ordinates for the text box
		// Get your Text Width and 
		$text_width = $text_box[2]-$text_box[0];
		$x = round(($width*2/3)-($text_width/2));  // middle of the right column minus half the size of the text
	if ($count==9) { // Do the new Fletching field
		$x = $fontsize; 
	if ($count==10) { // Do the new background field
		$x = $fontsize; 
// Player data in olde english font
	$text_box = imagettfbbox($fontsize,0,$font,$names[$count]); // workout where the field name ends
	$text_width = $text_box[2]-$text_box[0]+round($fontsize/2);
	$text = $player_data[$count];
// Hide the magic, fletching and background fields if they aren't filled in
	if (($count==5) and strlen($text)<1) $showstuff = false;
	if (($count==9) and strlen($text)<1) $showstuff = false;
	if (($count==10) and strlen($text)<1) $showstuff = false;
// Do the border for the field names	
	if ($showstuff) DoFontBorder ($image,$fontsize,$x,$y,$bordercolour,$font,$names[$count],$fontborder);
// Field names in blackwood castle font	
	if ($showstuff) imagettftext($image, $fontsize, 0, $x, $y, $fontcolour, $font, $names[$count]);
	if ($showstuff==false) $showstuff=true;
// Change the selected faction to readable text (and add faction logo)
	if ($count==6) {
		$text = $factions_titles[intval($player_data[$count])];
		$faction= $imagepath.$factions_images[intval($player_data[$count])];
		$im3 = imageCreateFromPng($faction);  // Put in the faction logo
		$ratio = imagesy($im3)/imagesx($im3); // Try to keep the logos in the same aspect ratio
		imagecopyresized($image,$im3, round($width*0.84), round($linespacing*2.3), 0, 0, round($width/8), round($width/8*$ratio),imagesx($im3), imagesy($im3));
// Print the data
// Put titles, magic type, fletching and background on the next line so it fits	
	if (($count==5) or ($count==9)or ($count==10)) {
		if ($count==10) {
			$maxlen=25; // when to go to the next line
			$shorter = explode(" ",$text);
			$currentlength=0; // running total of the line length
			for ($wordcount=0;$wordcount<count($shorter);$wordcount++) {
				$text=$text.$shorter[$wordcount]." ";
				if ($currentlength>$maxlen){
					if ($currentline<12) {
						DoFontBorder ($image,round($fontsize*3/4),$x,$y+(round($linespacing/2)*$currentline),$bordercolour,$font_data,$text,$fontborder);
						imagettftext($image, round($fontsize*3/4), 0, $x, $y+(round($linespacing/2)*$currentline), $fontcolour, $font_data,$text);
			} else {
			DoFontBorder ($image,$fontsize,$x,$y+$linespacing,$bordercolour,$font_data,$text,$fontborder);
			imagettftext($image, $fontsize, 0, $x, $y+$linespacing, $fontcolour, $font_data, $text);
		} else {
		if (($count==2) or ($count==4) or ($count==7)) { // make titles, class and background smaller to fit
			if ($count==2) $maxlen=25;
			if (strlen($text)>$maxlen) { // split long lines in two
				$string_break=stripos($text," ",$maxlen-3);  // look for the first space after the $maxlen-3 character
				if (strlen($text)>$maxlen*2) $text=substr($text,0,stripos($text,",",$maxlen*2));  // truncate ludicrously long strings
				DoFontBorder ($image,round($fontsize*3/4),$x+$text_width,$y,$bordercolour,$font_data,substr($text,0,$string_break),$fontborder);
				DoFontBorder ($image,round($fontsize*3/4),$x+$text_width-($text_width*($count==2)),$y+($linespacing/1.5),$bordercolour,$font_data,substr($text,$string_break-strlen($text)),$fontborder);
				imagettftext($image, round($fontsize*3/4), 0, $x+$text_width, $y, $fontcolour, $font_data,substr($text,0,$string_break));
				imagettftext($image, round($fontsize*3/4), 0, $x+$text_width-($text_width*($count==2)), $y+($linespacing/1.5), $fontcolour, $font_data,substr($text,$string_break-strlen($text)));
				} else {
				DoFontBorder ($image,round($fontsize*3/4),$x+$text_width,$y,$bordercolour,$font_data,$text,$fontborder);
				imagettftext($image, round($fontsize*3/4), 0, $x+$text_width, $y, $fontcolour, $font_data, $text);
			} else {
			DoFontBorder ($image,$fontsize,$x+$text_width,$y,$bordercolour,$font_data,$text,$fontborder);
			imagettftext($image, $fontsize, 0, $x+$text_width, $y, $fontcolour, $font_data, $text);
// Add the photo to the character Sheet
$im4 = imagecreatefromjpeg($photo);
$ratio = imagesy($im4)/imagesx($im4); // Try to keep the photo in the same aspect ratio
$start_y= round($width/1.5);
$i_width= round($width*0.4);
$i_height= round($i_width*$ratio);
$end_x= $start_x+$i_width;
$end_y= $start_y+$i_height;
// Draw border
imagefilledrectangle($image,$start_x-$borderwidth,$start_y-$borderwidth,$end_x+$borderwidth,$end_y+$borderwidth, $fontcolour);
// Resize and place in character Sheet
imagecopyresized($image, $im4, $start_x, $start_y, 0,0, $i_width, $i_height, imagesx($im4), imagesy($im4));
// tell the browser that the content is an image
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
// output image to the browser
// delete the image resource 