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The War-Time Powers and their allies as well as other groups that have interests in the same areas as Faction Paradox

The Seven Major Powers and their allies

Tier 7

The Enemy2020/05/27 02:25

Tier 6

Cwejen2020/05/27 03:04
Investigators2020/05/27 03:09
Nechronmancers2020/05/27 03:04
Redemption Cult2020/05/27 03:05
The Celestis2020/05/27 03:06
The House Military2020/05/27 03:02
The Lords Celestial2020/05/27 03:10

Tier 5

Academicians for Game Logic2020/05/27 02:57
Eremites2020/05/27 03:01
Order of the Weal2020/05/27 03:01
The Great Houses2020/05/27 02:56

Tier 4

Faction Paradox2020/05/27 02:55
The Cult Of Celebrity Death2020/05/27 02:50
The North Los Angeles Cabal2020/05/27 02:51
The Red Burial2020/05/27 02:52
The Rump Parliament2020/05/27 02:52
The Shelley Cabal2020/05/27 02:52
The Thirteen-Day Republic2020/05/27 02:53

Tier 3

Anchormen2020/05/27 02:45
Brookhaven's Follies2020/05/27 02:45
Faction Hollywood2020/05/27 02:46
Nunaha'wu2020/05/27 02:46
Peyote Dream Runners2020/05/27 02:47
The Broken Remote2020/05/27 02:45
The New Young Gods2020/05/27 02:46
The Remote2020/05/27 02:26

Tier 2

Ghetto of the Damned2020/05/27 02:30
Order of the Dragon2020/05/27 02:31
The Edimmu2020/05/27 02:29
The Grand Families2020/05/27 02:30
The Society of St. George2020/05/27 02:32
House Halfling2020/05/27 02:31
The Lesser Species2020/05/27 02:26
Order of the White Peacock2020/05/27 02:31
The Piltdown Mob2020/05/27 02:31
The Remonstration Bureau2020/05/27 02:32
Sons of Tepes2020/05/27 02:32

Tier 1

  • 19th Century Earth
factionpbta/spiralpolitic/participants/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/27 03:09 by