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Stardock Omega 31: Capital Ships
Created by Nytecode
While we like to think that our size 9 dreadnaught is the baddess ship in the galaxy, the reality is that there are ships out there MUCH, MUCH larger than even that pesky Size 10 Leviathan.
Capital Ships are size 11 and larger. Installations are the most likely Capital Ship class that most players will run into. They are often multi level and/or supersized. Capital ships get the appropriate species registry bonus.
Capital Ship Maneuvering
Capital ships are obviously harder to maneuver and will take longer to execute even the simplest maneuver. Any starship larger than size 10 cannot perform advanced maneuvers. To perform a maneuver with a Capital Ship, the target number is 8 + speed. The size of the ship is the number of successes that are needed to perform the maneuver. For example, a size 11 ship will need 11 successes to perform a maneuver. Failure on the roll generates OOC as normal. After a maneuver is started, the only way to stop it is with a Pilot check versus 14. If successful, the maneuver is stopped but the ship sufferes 1D6 OOC (luckable.) If unsuccessful, the ship suffers 1D6 OOC + the amount failed by.
TODO: Make some Counters
Capital Ship Module Limits
Capital ships are not limited to 4 of any module. For every 5 sizes, or fraction thereof, over size 10, one extra module of any type can be added. So size 11-15 ships can have 5, size 16-20 can have 6, etc. Also, for every 5 sizes, or fraction thereof, over size 10, one Extraneous module“ must be included.”