Table of Contents
Confederacy Modules
These alternate configurations are inventions of the COS races. When a configuration has a races name is parentheses i.e. (Occulus), that mean that the Occulus race designed it but any COS race may configure their module to it. If it says (Occulus only) then it is a special item that the Occulus have not shared with their fellow races, or the other races can't use.
Blast Cannon
- Mauler (Hortifex Only)
This brutal weapon is a nightmare at close range. Roll to hit as normal as if it were a blast cannon. If a hit is scored roll damage as normal but subtract 1 die of damage for every hex beyond 3. If the silhouette is missed a mauler does 2 points of damage per die. If modules are hit assign dice as normal, any leftover dice do 2 hull damage. Any die applied to a module will count as 2 separate attacks at the same level. Hortifex blast cannons can only be in mauler, or standard configuration.
- Displacement device (Occulus only)
An occulus ship may, as a helm action, make a leap. Make a piloting check diff 10, the degree of success is the number of spaces the ship moves regardless of heading. By spending one success die roll a new heading may be determined in the new destination, the ship has to displace at least one hex to do this. Displacement costs a point of engine power.
Tractor beam
- Repulsor (Occulus)
The tractor beam can push objects around. Use the standard tractoring rolls for ships/ mines/ whatever your target is , success means you move the ship 1 space away from you and gain an ooc, in the case of fighter/ small objects the distance is the degree of success minimum of one (as an attacker you do not have to move the target the maximum you roll). This movement may force a collision to occur.,
- Tractor/Repulsor (Occulus)
This configuration makes the tractor beam function as a weapon, and will drawn its power from the guns (or in the case of an occulus ship, any system). The attacker pulses the tractor and repulsor function of the bean causing sheering damage to the ship and for it to gain ooc. Roll to hit normally and roll damage normally. If the silhouette is hit apply the highest die to the module (as normal) but not to any other in the row/ column. Any excess dice of damage (or if the silhouette is missed) add one ooc and damage to the target for each die. The T/R has no penetrating damage. Shields do count against the tractor repulsor.
Cargo bay
- Robobarber (Occulus)
A great morale booster for Occulus crew is the robobarber. This stationary bot can meet all the crew's hair care needs and is loaded with all kinds of products. Any occulus get 1 additional luck roll during a mission.
- Chronic care unit (Occulus)
This functions in conjunction with a sick bay. It meets the health care demands of the frail occulus crew on board. As part of the unit is the EMB (emergency medical bot), this little spider like bot is programmed to activate if the crew is incapacitated and attempt to revive them. It seeks out medical personnel first, then the captain, then whoever else it can find.
- Mini-Manframe (Synth only)
Take up 2 cargo spaces. This is a link to the mainframe which allows the Synth on board to receive instruction from their leader. This Functions as a pool of 5 luck that any synth on board can use. It also has another purposeGOGO
- Nest (Arachne only)
The Arachne have established a nest on board, it is stocked with food, e sacs, and extra males. While on the ship with a nest Arachne get a bonus based on the size of the nest and the effect is cumulative. 1 cargo = 1 extra luck for each Arachne, 2 cargo= an additional pool of 2 luck for any Arachne on board, 3cargo= may reroll both dice on a professional reroll, 4 cargo = +1 on all skill checks. Nest spaces are considered slaed to non Arachne, this includes spaces between multiple nest locals. If a nest module is destroyed the Arachne can no longer claim any of the benefits of the nest, they are -1 on all skill checks for 2 rounds after. The nest can't be repaired it can be remade during the campaign turn.
- Trophy room (Hizzar only)
treat as a recreation room with a little more gristly ambiance. Cots ' The Hortifex really extend life support on a ship since they are co2 breathers. A cot will support 2 overflow crew. I.e. on a Hortifex ship with one life support module 4 additional o2 breathers could be on board but would require 2 cots in the cargo bay.
Mine Layer
- Web (Arachne Only)
This mine doesn't detonate per se. It creates an EM barrier that ships, objects etc can't pass through (though blast cannon, gravity lances, fusion cannons, and displacement devices are unaffected). Any missile mine or asteroid that enters a webbed hex is considered destroyed. Ships will suffer a collision with a object considered size 5 moving a speed of 0. The launching vessel may turn the mine on or off once per round and the mine has 2 (3 if upgraded) rounds of power.
- Missile Mine (Arachne)
When an enemy vessel come within 6 hexes the mine will attack. The mine will have a combat skill of 2 standard (4 if mine layer module has been upgraded) . Can be 1 heavy missile or 2 standard (upgraded give 2 heavy or 4 standard)
- Heavy fighter (Hortifex only)
A heavy fighter is a very nasty alternative to a regular fighter. Follow the standard rules for a fighter with a few modifications. Survival checks on a HV fighter are 5+ damage level. Once per round a HV fighter may fire an overcharged shot and it does 2d6 damage (or raises an enemies fighters damage level by 2), all other shots are 1d6 until the next round. Lastly a heavy fighter may carry 2 standard (or plasma) missiles, or one heavy missile. A missile may be fired in place of blaster shot.
- Advanced fighter (Hortifex)
An advanced fighter functions as a regular fighter in all ways, except that there is a spot for a gunner allowing the craft 2 shots per phase. One character is designated the pilot and makes all the piloting rolls and fires the forward guns. The other player is the gunner and operates the turret or may perform other duties repairs, medical to the pilot, etc. Damage to the craft effects both players equally.
- Flare Crawlers
Small Flare Crawlers can function as a fighter for their allied races. A single fighter bay can hold one flare crawler hatchling or one adult white crawler. Adjacent cargo bays can be dedicated to additional crawlers. No action is required to launch a crawler (there is a doie door like thing for them), but only one can enter or exit is a given phase. The exception to this is the white crawler hatchlings since they are so small. Two may launch at a time, and two can be on board per fighter slot. Special note: The type of fighter can not be changed in the thick of combat. COS ships must choose their fighter complement during the campaign turn and note their placement. i.e. a craft with a fighter bay and an adjacent cargo bay (dedicated for extra fighters) could have a heavy fighter in the bay, a flare crawler hatchling in the cargo bay, and an advanced fighter in the back of the cargo bay.
Life Support
- Plant life Support (Hortifex)
Life support is set for a co2 breather, this has no real impact other than it will need to be reconfigured (if crew will keep the life support unit) during the upgrade phase.
- Exotic Life support (Xeon only)
This serves 2 purposes, it makes the ship able to meet the unique requirements of the Xeon and it makes the ship difficult to move around in for non-xeon. Most COS visitors are either in battle armor, or part of the ship is set aside for them. This gives the xeon ship its ECM effect, additionally it does the following. Each module has radiation marker placed in it, and that marker will be replaced at the beginning of each round if it was destroyed. Additionally non-xeon take 1d3 damage per round they are not in Eva due to bizarre conco
Science Station
- Shield Piercing (Xeon)
This is a new function of the science station, and the targeting lock specifically. The ship may now trade in a targeting lock to IGNORE the targeted ships shield on a successful hit with the ships cannon (any setting).
- Enhanced Teleporter (Arachne only)
The Arachne teleporter is a greatly enhanced version of the regular Teleporter. First off an Arachne teleporter counts as a telechute location and a ship with one gets 2 telechute markers free and players may go to any telechute or teleporter location. The Enhanced Teleporter may transport to celestial asteroids etc and even planets! Theoretically, if someone the teleporter operator didn't like was in the teleporter they could teleport them into space.
- Side to Side Teleport (Arachne)
The teleporter needs to be configured to internal mode and can't teleport anything outside the ship while internal. While configured in this mode the operator may teleport people in the teleporter to any other location in the ship, make a science roll vs. 10. Failure teleports the target to a random module and they get d6 damage (alien damage reduction applies).
Fusion cannon
- Singularity Cannon (Hortifex)
The singularity cannon creates an artificial singularity that exists for a fraction of a second. It functions like a fusion cannon with a few modifications. Resolve the attack like a standard fusion cannon, any targets (friend and foe) within 1.5 of the guns power (rounding down) suffers 1d6 hull damage and are moved one space toward the center of the blast due to the singularity. If a target starts in the center hex of the blast it takes 2d6 hull damage instead and has a new random facing. Special note: a Hortifex ship with 3+ shields can ignore the singularities gravitational effect, but suffers blast damage as normal.
- Xeon Missile (Hizzar only)
The xeon missile functions as a standard missile until hit hits its target. The unfortunate vessel takes regular damage, any module damaged gets a radiation maker placed randomly, for any damaged module roll a d6 on a 1 that module also catches fire.
- Psi Crystal warhead (Occulus)
Damage is for a standard warhead. Any character in a module damaged by this type of missile must make a psi check vs. a 9 difficulty, the degree of failure is the # of stun markers they get.
- Plasma Torpedo (Occulus)
When this torpedo is fired, instead of paying 1 guns, spend any number of guns power. Each point gives the warhead 3d6 damage!! At the beginning of each phase the torpedo loses one d6 of damage. If it hits another missile, a mine, or a fighter (flare crawlers resolve being hit as though they were a ship) that object is destroyed (players get survival rolls as normal) and the torpedo stays in play! A player at the missile battlestation can program a new target combat diff 11. A torpedo without a target keeps moving straight until it gets a new target or fizzles out. When a Plasma torpedo hits a ship resolve the attack vs. the shields, once that is done roll hit location for each individual d6. Modules can be hit multiple times, any that miss the silhouette do 1 hull damage. Resolve damage to modules and their occupants. Each module that is hit has a 1in6 chance of catching fire per hit. Place the fire randomly.
Sick Bay
- Revival (Xeon Only)
In addition to its regular functions a Xeon sick bay can be set to Internal Revival or External Revival. Pick the setting desired pay one power and make a science skill check of 10+ for 1 rounds worth of effect. The player can keep pumping power into the sick bay to maintain the effect, if power is ever cut a new skill check will need to be performed. If the player wants to change the setting a new skill check must be done. Internal revival allows any Xeon on board the ship at 0hp or below (even those who are dead) to make an athletics roll vs. 9, the degree of success is the #of hp they get back up with (up to their maximum). Xeon can make this athletics check every phase that the revival effect is on. When set to external, the xeon ships cannons are charged with life giving power (for Xeons anyway). When a ship is hit (even if the silhouette is missed) and after damage is resolved as normal, all xeon on board make an athletics skill check vs. 11, the degree of success is the number of HP they awaken with (up to their maximum).
New ship items
internal air lock/ decontamination
Used to partition off a section of a xeon ship for non xeon. It take 2 phases to get decontaminated, you can always break the doorsGO.. The lock will be a 1×1 box inside each module entrance that connects to the main xeon portion of a ship.
New Module
Psi Focus (occlus)
To easily simulate this module take a cargo bay and put a marker in the dead center. This marker is the battlestation. It's a comfy chair sitting under a gigantic crystal. The module has no restriction on placement other than it can't be next to an engine or hyperdrive. You can not remotely use the battlestation, and the user has to have at least a point in psi. Non-psi who sit in the chair have a sensation of moving upward, if they sleep in it they have truly funky dreams. The device is used to project and amplify the psychic's power to a grand scale. The module has 360 facing. To hit an enemy ship roll psi vs. 2xdistance. Put a used counter on the module. On a successful hit roll hit location normally (if the silhouette is missed CHOOSE what module you wish to effect). The psychic may now use ANY one of their psychic abilities on the entire module (reduce their pool for the ability as normal). The psychic is considered to have los and eye contact as necessary, resolve each attack separately. Consider the module as a target also for relevant powers (firestarter, etc). The module can be used on friendly targets too to use healing, etc. Some abilities you can get creative with i.e. extrademensional pockets could be emptied out in the module giving allies needed supplies or dropping a satchel charge in an enemies lap. Roll for random placement in a module.