Table of Contents
Confederacy Psi Powers
New Psi Abilities
(psi abilities with a ( shows what psi level minimum the character must have to take the ability, a (O) is for the Occulus race only) Some abilites have prerequsites or a rank requirement, the higer lv skill replaces the old skill. A (N) denotes a NPC only ability designed to make some powerful npc Occuli
Psi abilities (numbers in paranthesis indicate minimum psi lv to aquire)
Lightning (4) - The psychic can make lightning leap out of their eyes, fingers, tentacles, etc. (lightning color may vary). This is a potent weapon against living targets and bots. The psychic fires an arc of lightning up to 3 squares away. Any target (friend or foe) in the arc is attacked (psi vs target for 1d6+1 damage, any bots pick up 2 stun markers. Limit: psi+2
Misfortune - This is basically anti-luck. This allows the psychic to cancel the use of luck the the opposition (only good in pvp or unique npcs) uses against the ship the psychic is on or against a target up to 1 module away. Alternatively it can be used to reduce the number on a die rolled against the psychic by 1 (min 1) Limit: psi
Obliterate - The psychic has learned to focus their anger into a tight little ball of rage and fling it at people. Treat as an attack from a disintegrator, which requires LOS. To hit roll psi vs target #. If a hit is scored the target makes an athletics check vs 8 or they are vaporized. If a module is hit roll 2 dice any 6 will damage the module. Limit: athletics /2
Rock the boat, Don't tip the boat over - The psychic attempts to use their mental powers to increase or decrease the ooc of the ship they are on. First the psychi declares their intentions, then rolls a skill check using their psi vs a difficulty of 10. For every success they move the ooc of the ship by 1 in the desired direction. If they fail then the psychic gets a stun counter for every 2 they failed by, rounding up. Limit: piloting
Bathosphere - The psychic is considered to be in eva for 20 phases, while effected by this ability they are considered to be -1 on all skill checks. Limit: Athletics
Tower of iron will - The psychic erects a pillar of pure thoughts around themselves. This field protects against fast moving projectiles and energy attacks (melee attacks ignore this ability). The Psychic is considered to have armor of 2 for 3 phases, this will stack with racial abilities equipment etc. Limit: combat
Bullet time - The psychic makes themselves move quickly. This adds 1 to their move and 2 to their target number. The effect lasts till they are hit by something, a friend using a medkit on you counts as a hit, or if they do not move for a phase. Pool: combat
Dominate - (N) This power is intended for NPC use only typically vs another NPC. Why did the senator give the launch codes to the rebels? It is manly a story telling tool. If used against a PC then do a psi diff 10 LOS required. The possessions would last only a short while like 5 phases. As an important note once a target is dominated the domineer can walk out of los from the psychic. The psychic will remain in their spot in a comatose state. If attacked the target will be free of control and the psychic will have 2 stun counters given to them.
Ressurection - The psychic uses their life spark to bring someone back to life. This can only be used on targets declared dead within the last 10 phases. They need to be more or less intact, or at least the body-parts scooped together. The psychic makes a sci check diff varies on condition of the body (whole 6, beat up 8, one major part off 10, butchered 12). If successful the psychic gets a stun counter and the target is whole again at 1 hp. If the psychic fails they lose 1hp and get 1 stun counter for every point of failure. Why is this power useful in a game with clones? The player will be counted as alive and gets to keep their experience for one, in societies that don't have clones like the UF this is the only option, say you are far flung out in space and your clone wont activate this helps, lastly it makes a great plot twist if your clone gets activated anyway Limit: athletics
Force jump run - The psychic can make a short burst of speed/ leap. For one phase only the psychic doubles their speed and can jump 10X the normal distance, this will not confer multiple actions. Limit: athletics
New Special Abilities
Special Abilites (number in parantheses indicate minimum rank to aquire)
Minor Moving Mind (O) - The occulus has learned to manipulate the outside world better, resulting in better speed, strength, and dexterity. Their carrying capacity is PSIX8 now and they no longer have a -1 penalty on actions, they still have one hand however.
Moving Mind (O) (2) Prerequisite: minor moving mind - the occulus further develops their mastery of their mind over their body. Their Carry becomes the normal PSI X10, their move changes to 3 and they have 2 effective hands.
Mastered Moving Mind (O) (6) Prerequisite: Moving mind - The occulus has learned to master their local environment. Carry is now PSI X 15, move improves to 4 and they have 3 functional hands.
Aura (O) - In an effort to overcome their frailty the occuli have learned how to protect their physical form by projecting energies around them. This field is worth 5 hp, it is hit before armor is applied, but after any other psychic benefits. This aura is always on when the occulus is conscious, if an occulus is stunned the aura drops to 0. The field will regenerate 1 point every 2 phases. This is permanent.
Aura 2 (O) - Skilled occuli develop an even great aura as their skills progress. This improved field is worth 12 hp, it is hit before armor is applied, but after any other psychic benefits. This aura is always on when the occulus is conscious, if an occulus is stunned the aura drops to 0. The field will regenerate 1 point every phase. This is permanent.
Multitask - The psychic can perform additionl actions at no penalty, require the psionic ability telepathic in the case of non occulus it give them a telepatic hand for each use of the power. Pool:psi
Animal empathy - The psionic is able to communicate with lower forms of life. A great deal of information can be gleaned but it helps if the player understand the motivations of the given creature. The results will have to be roleplayed out.
Weird Science - the psi character is always at -1 diff at a science BS performing a ship action. Also when ever they are scanning a ship/ object/ whatever they get to ask these questions free: Is it alive. Is it sentient (intelligent). When scanning for life onboard a ship they are at a further -1 (for a total of -2).
All Minds to the Engines - Every psi sensitive character at this engines battlestations generate 1 additional point of power. Pool: psi/2
Crumpling space - The psionic at a piloting BS may make a psi skill roll/ vs diff of desired distance traveled. If they succeed then place the ship at any heading in that space. Any missiles or torpedos on the ships tracking sheet are left in the original space. Failure stuns the psychic and generates 1 ooc.
Reach out and Hurt someone - When at a battlestation in a missile bay the psychic may upgrade a missile to a torpedo as an action. A Torpedo moves and acts exactly like a missile except that you roll an additional die and discard the lowest roll. Pool: Psi/2
Prophet - The psychic is proven to visions and dreams that portend great events. A fun device to use for developing a campaign especially a mystical one, think Dune. These visions can take many forms and may require candles, starvation, herbs, etc. t is important to not that the referee will determine when visions hit. Limit: referees discretion.