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Stardock Omega 31: New Missiles
Created by Nytecode
Energy Seeker
This missile homes in on the energy output of the target ship. Subtract the highest energy level of the ship from the ship's speed to determine the target number (2 always misses.) The trade-off with this missile is that it has a smaller warhead and will only do one dice of damage.
This missile moves faster but has limited endurance and a smaller warhead. When fired, place the first turn counter of the missile. Speedy missiles have a speed of 18 and will move 3 hexes per phase. During the end of turn bookkeeping phase, all second turn missiles run out of fuel and are removed. All first turn missiles are swapped to second turn counters. When the missile hits, it only does one die of damage.
games/board/battlestations/battlestationsnewmissiles.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/17 00:04 by