Table of Contents
Mission One
Showdown with the Zoallan
Encountering a lone rebel Zoallan Scout, the Human scout ship UREF Compensater dropped out of hyperspace a fair distance away, launched a science probe - from which it was able to target lock the incoming missiles of the traitorous Zoallan. Suffering light damage and causing mild damage to the Zoallan (and forcing 3 hull stability checks) two crew eventually boarded and captured the ship, dispatching the rebel scum.
Drzbzz died gloriously in a missile explosion from the traitorous Zoallan when it impacted with the Science Bay.
Post Mission
The results of the UREF ship, Compensater were an overwhelming success. Only one crewmember dying valorously in the course of their duty.
For future reference - nearly all modules can only be used once per Round. Only Helm and the Science Bay can be used multiple times. Target Locks do not affect missiles, only cannons. Death only occurs if a character reaches -6 HP. Between 0 and -6 they are unconscious. As Crewman Drzbzz only had 4 HP and took 2D6 HP damage, this exceeded the -6.
All crewmembers are now Lieutenant Junior Grade (Rank 2) with a Luck of 7 and one extra HP
Experience earned for crewmembers other than the dearly lamented Drzbzz were-
- Attempting mission : 50
- Succeeding in mission : +100
- Enemy warship captured : +75
- Overwhelming success : +50
- Total 275
Credits earned for mission for everyone : 275
Prestige earned for all characters other than the dearly lamented Drzbzz : 275
Prestige earned for the dearly lamented Drzbzz : 375
Spoils of War : Equipment captured from the enemy ship: Shields for all personel
Overwhelming success bonuses
Both Barbara and Peter rolled the same result of a Specialized Tutor, therefore you get two-
Specialized Tutors
Specialists offer to give you tutelage in a random skill. It costs half as much XP for any crewmember to gain one level in the tutor's speciality if they spend XP now. You can retconn the XP you spent. But as I've your character sheets (although I don't have them on me this morning)- just make a note of it for when next we play.
Normally the cost of a level increase is 100x the next level.
For the skills of Piloting and Engineering this is now just 50x the next level.
Nathan rolled Supply Ship
A supply ship came in and there is plenty to go around. There is an additional round of requisitions.
Torben rolled Personal Equipment Upgrades
A famous scientist has defected and offers insights as to personal equipment maintenance. There is an additional round of upgrades for personal equipment only before the next mission (ie you can upgrade two pieces each instead of one).