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Mission Six
Admiral Xero personally stepped in as an archtraiter to the grand Republic, leading the Whistler ship The Cacophany and its ten escort fighters in a misguided attempt at breaking the just and honourable blockade of the Universal Republic. After a protacted boarding action against far superior odds, in which the noble engineer, Tiktak gave its Canosian life for the betterment of the republic, Admiral Xero and the The Cacophany were captured. Special mention must be made for marine Static Motion of the Tentac race for coming close to death on four separate occasions. Marine Ali Rouge and pilot James Burk are also to be commended for coming close to death in the course of their duty. Two robots were destroyed on this mission.
Post Mission
The results of the UREF ship, Compensater were an overwhelming success.
Experience earned for crewmembers other than Tiktak-
- Attempting mission : 50
- Succeeding in mission : +100
- Overwhelming success : +50
- Enemy warship captured : +90
- Enemy personality captured : +50
- Total 340
Credits earned for mission for everyone : 340
Prestige earned for characters other than Tiktak: 340
Prestige earned for Tiktak: 440
Spoils of War : One of either - Voltrex gun, Nerve Disrupter, Turbo Power Pack
Overwhelming success bonuses
Barbara rolled Ship Upgrades - Spacedock
An extra round of module upgrades.
Nathan rolled Supply Ship
A supply ship came in and there is plenty to go around. There is an additional round of requisitions.
Peter rolled Personal Equipment Upgrades
A famous scientist has defected and offers insights as to personal equipment maintenance. There is an additional round of upgrades for personal equipment only before the next mission (ie you can upgrade two pieces each instead of one).
Torben rolled
Matthew rolled Weapon Prototype
The heroes are issued a special piece of equipment. Only one is issued to the group. The equipment has some special effect but limited uses. Before each use, add one to the number of uses and then roll two dice. If you roll higher than the number of uses the object has had, then it functions; otherwise it breaks irrevocably.
You have a Prototype Blast Pistol. It does 4D6-4 damage.