Table of Contents
UREF Compensator
All modules except for the Fighter Bay, Damage Control and Hyperspace modules are upgraded. Note - the Hyperspace module cannot be upgraded. Fighter Bay: -Human Fighter (+1 helm): [Upgraded Helm (+2 helm total)], [Upgraded Combat (+1 combat)], [Armoured: -1 damage to occupants], [No engineering upgrade]
Combat Droids (2): - Armour plating Science Droid (1): - Medkit, +1 Science
Spare Modules
Mine Layer, Cargo Bay, Helm.
Cargo Bay Items
- Targetting computer (Multibarrel): [upgraded] A chosen configuration of cannon has +2.
- Targetting computer (Blast): A chosen configuration of cannon has +1.
- Local Life Support: Adds life support for one more character to the ship. If it is the only life support left on a ship, acts as EVA for all characters.
- Telechute: Place 2 teleport markers anywhere on the ship. Anyone may move from one to the other as though they were adjacent. If the Telechute is damaged, the teleport markers no longer function.
- Spare Fighter: Xallaxian?
- Power Armour
games/board/battlestations/battlestationsspaceship.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/18 20:57 by