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Commander (Rank 4)
Species: Canosian
Alien Ability: Tumble. Canosians get a bonus 'move' action every phase.
Hit Points: 12 (Athletics+Base+Rank)
Luck: 9 (Rank+5) Bonus Luck: 2
Athletics: 2 (Carry Capacity: 20)
Combat: 2
Engineering: 5
Piloting: 1
Science: 1
Experience: 525
Prestige: 175
Credits: 0
Blast Pistol: [energy] Mass 4 Damage 2D6-2
Wristcomp: [energy] Mass 4 Does not take up a hand. Can be used as a remote detonator. Adds +1 to Hacking. Can be used to scan onboard a ship - difficulty is distance in squares.
Pack: Mass 2 Anything put in a pack is half mass - but drawing out the item costs two actions instead of one unless the character has infinite hands.
Toolkit: [energy] Mass 5 +1 to Engineering when repairing, upgrading a module or reconfiguring the Cannon. (Stored in Pack - Mass 2.5)
Frag Grenade: [energy] Mass 2 (Stored in Pack - Mass 1)
EMP Grenade: [energy] Mass 2 Damage 2D6-1. Line of sight. Breaks energy equipment until after mission. Does not affect modules. (Stored in Pack - Mass 1)
Ion Bore: [energy] Mass 9 Damage 1D6 cummulative per hit up to a maximum of 6D6. Science vs 11 to de-ionise and reduce cummulation to start (Stored in Pack - Mass 4.5)
Stun Gun: [energy] Mass 3 Damage stun. Athletics vs 11 or be stunned. 2 Stun counters. 1 removed each Round. All removed if damaged. (Stored in Pack - Mass 1.5)
Shield: Mass 10 +1 to target number. (Stored in Life Support)
EVA: [energy] Mass 5 Provides life support for 100 rounds. (Stored in Life Support)
Rocket Pistol: [energy] Mass 6 Shoots grenade-equivalent rockets that detonate on impact. (Stored in Life Support)
Special Abilities
Engine Specialist: May reroll one die when pumping or repairing the engines. May do so 6 times per mission (Engineering x 2)
Tricky: May Dump Trash (2d6 for each missile in the ship hex ⇐7 to destroy), Focus sensors (+1 to targetting rolls for cannon, locks, teleport etc), Vent Plasma (Stabilise the ship by 1D6 OOC). May do this 4 times per mission (Pool = Engineering skill)
Braced: May reroll all internal hit damage as though always braced.
Grenadier: You may reroll 1 die for any check involving grenades.