Table of Contents
Mission Two
Boot Camp
A standard training mission. The UREF Compensator crewed by Lieutenant Junior Grade Captain Jimmy "Tugger" Burk, Lieutenant Junior Grade Drzbzz and two Bots. The crew of the Compensator managed to destroy all relay stations, reach speed 11, retrieve over 10 points of data, tractor the derelict ship two hexes, board, destroy the enemy bots and warp out both vessels by Round 6, Phase 1 earning an overwhelming success.
Post Mission
The results of the UREF ship, Compensater were an overwhelming success.
All crewmembers are now Lieutenants (Rank 3) with a Luck of 8 and one extra HP
Experience earned for crewmembers-
- Attempting mission : 50
- Succeeding in mission : +100
- Enemy warship captured : +75
- Overwhelming success : +50
- Total 275
Credits earned for mission for everyone : 275
Prestige earned for all characters : 275
Spoils of War : None
Overwhelming success bonuses
Peter rolled Ally
One of the allies you met likes the cut of your jib and offers to join the crew. This ally is rank 3. If the ally ever dies, their clone transfers to a new ship. If this is rolled a second time a new ally could be gained, or the rank of an existing ally can be increased by one level. Allies can be ordered like Bots and will continue to act even if the rest of the crew is incapacitated.
Lieutenant Token Piker (Human Engineer) joins the crew.
Torben rolled R&R
The heroes have a chance to rest and recuperate before the requisition portion of the Campaign Turn. They regain all Luck before their requisition rolls.
Notes on Requisitions
A tractor module was requisitioned after the first mission. After this mission two more modules were requisitioned (Engine, Life Support) causing the UREF Compensator to be enlarged to the next size class. The ship is now a size 6 Frigate. With the extra life support module it can support a crew of 8.