Table of Contents
Official website -
Yahoo Group Files
- Session Reports
- Adventures of the Space Babes - mission reports
- New Modules, Ship Designs and Races
- Battle Lords - ship conversions
- Ejak Nicholson's - Modules and ship designs
- The Confederacy of Sentients by Sean Buelow
- Play Aids
- Character Sheets - collected
- Ship Manifests - collected
- Player Aids - collected cheat sheets and forms
Recovered Data
- New Modules, Ship Designs and Races
- The Meeks race as designed by Cliff Ogre_mark5“
- Stardock Omega 31 as created by Eric Fialkowski (text recovered, images courtesy of Pauli)
- Gareth Lazelle's Steampunk modules and rules (by Gareth_Lazelle on the now defunct Gorilla Games forums, images courtesy of Pauli)
- Delta's Modules as collated by Andy Strauss
Original Material
- The Purple Heart - Awarded for dying in the course of duty.
- The Phoenix - Awarded for going below 0 HP more than three times in a single mission.
PBeM Turn Display
Module Cheatsheets
- Cloaking Device How Much For Your Planet
- Damage Control Pax Galacticum
- Fighter Bay Galactic Civil War
- Fusion Cannon Pirates of Trundlia
- Gravity Lance Pirates of Trundlia
Hull StabiliserDeprecated in v1.1- Mine Layer Galactic Civil War
- Sick Bay Pax Galacticum
TractorDeprecated in Bot Wars
Other Cheatsheets
- Action List - summary of all actions available to a character.
- Cards - Equipment and other cards, and how to use them to keep track of your character.
- Races summary.
- Definitive Ship Registry - all registries of all published races
- Ship Control Consoles - a profession based variant of Ship Control Sheets
- Turn Summary - now including the morale round from Pirates of Trundlia
New Campaigns
- Invasion of the Mysterons - the key to this campaign is mystery.
- X-Com - defenders of the Earth.
New Rules
- Expanded Damage Control - Making module repair more difficult and accurate for the sake of playability.
- Pax Galacticum changes - Some rules are changed in Pax Galacticum. This is a summary of the changed rules (not the new rules present in Pax Galacticum)
- Pirates of Trundlia changes - Some rules are changed in Pirates of Trundlia. This is a summary of the changed rules.
- Turrets - Rotating turrets in Battlestations
- House Rules - Just to clear up some things
- Miniature Rules - Translating Battlestations so you can play it “off the grid”
New Missions
- Alien Bushwack - inspired by Alien and Firefly (Bushwack). Uses some modules from Stardock Omega 31
- Stardrive - inspired by Blake's 7 (Stardrive) and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- Supernova Rescue - Doctor Who inspired (Impossible Planet)
- Ubershield - Farscape inspired (Out of their minds)
- The Trench - A solo mini game based on a well known movie.
New Races
- Tyranids - because I like them.
- Alpha Complex Citizens - Paranoia in Battlestations.
movechart.xls - Spreadsheet for ship designs and tracking NPC movement. All ships in the main rulebook are now done - has good customisation options (just don't accidentally delete formulas). I recommend using the flowchart or other icons and symbols in excel to move around the diagram to keep track of NPCs.
Legofste.xls - Spreadsheet to randomly generate maps using the various Legions of Steel map tiles that I have (108 of them). Usually forms a continuous joined map if the dimension are 10×10 or smaller. Occasional orphan tiles appear and the algorithm doesn't try too hard to find tiles that match - if it can't find something that connects on two sides after 500 iterations of random tile and direction, it fills in a blank. NewsletterContent - Only available in the Battlestations Newsletter.
New and Alternate Modules
Alternate Modules and new modules have been moved to a new page (taking up too much space here).
Includes The Temple of Moss and Event Horizon, Pax Galacticum missions and The Hive, a mission from the main rule book.
New - Stone Block module and Zoo Freighter modules for Pirates of Trundlia missions.
My Campaigns
- New Campaign for the new table