Table of Contents
Reveal Program Cards
Players reveal their program cards
- Robots on randomizers receive new program cards in the current and all remaining register phases of this turn
- Robots on antigrav pods start to soar. Treat them according to the rules for flying till the end of the fifth register phase of the current turn (or till they take a point of damage!)
- Robots on virtualizers become virtual for the next five register phases — Phase processing board elements like trapdoors, elevators,flamers,… become active before first robot moves
Robots move
Robots and Ghosts are moved in order according to card priority
- Robots may be pushed by other robots
- Robots are affected by doors, walls,one-way-walls, spiky walls, force fields and barricades
- Robots are affected by closed doors, active e-fences and elevators
- Robots are affected by pits, drains, lava pits, giant trapdoors, active trapdoor pits, hydraulic trapdoor pits, bridges and sluices
- Robots executing a movement card on a normal or high-power teleporter are affected by its special rules
- Robots starting their move on/passing over an active mag-lock get affected by its special rules
- Robots executing a movement card in water, deep water, puddles, soap or oil have their first square of movement negated
- Robots rotating/moving in or through deep water take one point of damage
- Robots on the big drain get affected by its special rules
- Robots executing a rotate card on soap are affected by its special rules
- Robots ending their move on a padded square double their movement (not its priority)
- Robots starting their move on ice are affected by special rules
- Robots are affected by padded walls when standing on padded squares
- Robots are affected by repulsor fields
- Robots entering/rotating on an active flamer take one point of damage
- Robots entering/rotating on an active napalm flamer take one point of damage and get affected by its special rules
- Robots on a pneumatic piston get affected by its special rules
- Robots executing a rotate card on crumbly ground immediately sinks in
- Robots facing a mirror (in their LoS) execute their current program card mirrorwise
- Robots facing fog (in their LoS) or standing in it, get affected by its special rules
- Robots moving up a ramp count the ramp as one square
- Robots entering a portal immediately move to the other linked portal (unless it is occupied!)
- Robots entering/rotating in a melting beam take one point of damage, locking the current register!
- Robots passing through a light barrier cause the flip belts to change direction (but do not take damage!)
- Robots entering/rotating in a radio beam take one radio controlled card substituting one program card in the next turn (but do not take damage)
- Robots starting a copy machine immediately get a tamagotchi robot at the other side of the machine
- Robots ending their move on an energizer are immediately affected by its special rules
- Robots ending their move in soporific gas are immediatly powered down for the next five register phases
- Robots ending their move on a balancing platform get affected by its special rules
- Robots attempting to end their move on a ramp/tilted ground slide down one square
- Robots attempting to end their move on an oil slick slides in the direction of its movement until being stopped by a wall, normal ground or another robot (not on an oil slick)
- Robots passing through/ending their move in a puddle get affected by its special rules
- Robots on a repeater get affected by its special rules
Board Elements move
- Particle accelerator moves robots according to its special rules
- Jack pops out!
- Air shafts move robots according to its special rules
- Rotating belts move into their new position
- Hyper-speed conveyor belts (gold) move their first square
- Gold belts move their second square, express conveyor belts (blue) move their first square
- Gold belts move their third square, blue belts move their second square and normal conveyor belts (red) move their first and only square
- Flip conveyor belts (green) move their first and only square in the indicated direction(but only if none of the light barriers is interrupted by a robot) — Ordinary belts do not interact with flip belts. A robot getting moved onto a green belt by a gold/blue/red belt never gets turned
- Robots in magnetic fields get pulled one square
- Currents move robots
- Molten ore flows move one square
- Pushers and hydraulic pushers push if active this register phase — Robots who got pushed in craters/tilted ground, oil slicks, giant trapdoors,(…) get affected by them (again!)
- Gears/cross-gears turn 90-¦, big gears and u-turn gears turn 180-¦
- Rotating rooms turn according to their special rules
- Crushers crush if active this register phase
Resolve laser-fire
- Board-mounted/robot-mounted laser beams damage robots — Robots facing a mirror take one point of damage due to their own robot-mounted laser beam (shooting at everything that-¦s moving, even their own mirror image!)
- Turrets damage/push/pull robots according to their special rules
- Radiation does one point of damage during the fifth register phase
- Melting beams damage robots, locking the current register card (if not allready locked)
- Active flamers do one point of damage (a second one!)
- Active napalm flamers do one point of damage (a second one!) and robots get affected by their special rules
- Active lava pits erupt
- Robots in deep water take one point of damage (a second one!)
- Robots in line of sight or in the same square as a ghost take one point of damage
- Robots standing on a grave take one point of damage
- Robots standing in a molten ore flow take one point of damage
- Robots in a radio beam receive (a second) radio controlled card, replaicing (a second) program card in the next turn ( but robots, still, take no damage)
- Radioactive waste does one point of damage
- Robots moved by other robots-¦ options may get affected by phase B-board elements again
Touch Checkpoints
- Robots on checkpoints, repair sites, reset sites have now touched them and will withdraw further archive copies from those squares, but robots are not repaired at this time. Any checkpoint touched at this time counts towards race victory
- Robots on chop shops may use its special abilities
- Robots on reset sites may exchange one of their programmed cards by another one of their choice (and available in the card deck)
- Robots on radioactive waste may draw an option card
End-of-Turn Board Effects
- Robots on checkpoints/repair sites are repaired
- Robots on the big drain get affected by its special rules
- Robots on repair sites/chop shops may draw one option card
- Robots on reset sites may choose one program card for the next turn
- Robots on reset sites receive five program cards at random for the complete next turn (good luck)
—- CategoryRoborally
games/board/roborallytiming.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/13 00:52 by