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The Ravenar Sagas: Session 3

Things that happened

Celebrating the increase in fortune in Neskasyla Neskasyla, 3 years after the events in the Unsung Saga, the crew of the Ravenar including their wives and children celebrate Yule with the new Jarl of the village - Svengar (whom you rescued and his now wife, Wanda), who took over from the previous Jarl, Gudrun the warrior.

The villagers weren't that happy with Gudrun's prior rule as he wasn't hands-on like Svengar and there may be some bad blood.

Feasting, thatching a roof and a contact sport ballgame are had.

The next day the fjord freezes over and it starts snowing. The fjord has never frozen in the past. Svengar asks the Ravenar crew to look into it as it's unnatural A stranger wanders onto shore from the fjord, appearing out of the heavy snowfall - he tells of their ship stuck in the ice in the bay.

The group organise some wagons (with Ozgar's help) and rescue to passengers and cargo. On the second trip back the wagons are attacked by Wendigo. The first wagon is lost and nearly all of its crew. The Ravenar crew destroy the Wendigo after several members take a lot of damage and a couple run off in fear. After coming back and reporting to Svengar, Svengar explains that the guard whom most thought was passed out drunk at his post was actually knocked unconscious and doused with mead. After a complete search of Dunhill Keep it was discovered that some warm clothing and several days worth of supplies are missing along with one of his slaves. The missing slave is Lisko, the potter from Kiev.

roleplaying/campaign/cthulhu/ravenar3.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/18 19:22 by