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Kamran Inthin

Kamran is the second son of Sir Verdis, a knight in the service of the Earla of Neph, and his wife Anshal, a cousin to the Baron Tesla of Esenor. Though Kamran was well cared for and popular with his parents, his father made it clear his older brother, Wels, was the only one of the pair who would be squired. Wels, the very picture of the knightly-ideal, excelled at every thing and their fief, while keeping the family in comfortable style, wasn't large enough for two competing sons.

Kamran didn't complain when his brother Wels was squired. The truth was Wels was more suited to the knightly path, and Kamran well-understood his father's predicament. His father offered to assist him in acquiring a trade, or in joining a clerical order, but Kamran had his own ideas. Being a craftsman or a priest suited him less than being a knight did. Instead, when he was sixteen, he left home and made his way to Tashal to join the Army of the Chelmarch.

Kamran proved to be an adept soldier, though his gentle birth often made it difficult to fit in with the other men, and saw a great deal of action against the barbarians of the region, as well as several Thardic Cohorts, who contested Kaldor's reach in the Chelen Gap during his tenure in the army there. After four years in the army Kamran found himself growing tired of the soldiers life and felt a growing need to move on.

It was between stints of service, in Tashal, that Kamran met Rhynn of Thay, a master harper who had travelled the length and breadth of Harn, and whose tales and songs stirred the heart. Kamran, who had a fair voice himself, found himself spending many evenings in the man's company and asked to be made Ryhnn's apprentice. The harper, who saw the value of traveling with an apprentice versed in the arts of war, agreed.

Kamran was, at best, an average apprentice. He spent four years with Rhynn, finally managing to advance to the rank of Journeyman. Realizing he would have a difficult time making a living as a harper and missing the camaraderie of a military unit, he decided to rejoin the Army of the Chelmarch. The army had no more need of soldiers, but one of his former commanders, who had been well disposed towards him due to his gentle birth, told him that the Army of the Oselmarch needed men.

In the Army of the Oselmarch, Kamran, whose gentle birth had given him a good mastery of horsemanship, was assigned to a unit of mounted scouts and skirmishers – a role in which he excelled. He found his harping skills made him popular with his fellow soldiers and his officers, and that he had an ability to raise spirits – a useful skill in a job requiring days and weeks of dreary work interspersed with sudden clashes with barbarians, or the occasional Gargun war party.

After a year in the Oselmarch, however, Kamran found he was still dissatisfied, that he was still searching for something in himself. He was beginning to grow restless when a letter from his father arrived, asking him to come to Garinden, where he was performing his annual service in the Castle of the Earla of Neph. Wels, the letter said, was to be wed to the daughter of a nearby knight, and it would be an opportunity for father and son to see one another for the first time in almost a decade. Kamran decided Garinden might be a good idea.

Kamran is an outgoing fellow who enjoys entertaining with his harp and voice. He has a bit of wanderlust and curiosity, always wanting to see what lies eyond the next hill, which has, on occasion, gotten him into trouble on patrols. He has a slight inferiority complex – his brother was better suited to be a knight and his harp skills are mediocre, although he is dealing with that and hopes to overcome his feelings of inadequacy by finding a position that will allow him to finally be knighted. This, above all things is his secret wish – to be a knight, which sometimes leads him to compete with those who are knights.

Kamran has a comfotable savings, just under a pound, and owns his own arms and armor, which are of good quality. He purchased a riding horse and saddle for his trip to Gardiren. In addition, he has two changes of clothes, though neither is truly suitable for court appearances. He also has a harp and lute, and has several sheafs of paper he has recorded songs and stories on.

Post Generation Notes

1 Helane 719: Countess Curo accepts Kamran's oath of service. He is sent with Sir Reinhardt Maddox, the new Baron of Nurelia, to his new domain.

Mechanical Notes

Stats: STR: 15 (12-); DEX: 14 (12-); CON: 14 (12-); BDY: 12 (11-); INT: 15 (12-); EGO: 11 (11-); PRE: 17 (12-); COM: 13 (11-); PD: 6; ED: 3; SP: 4; RC: 7; EN: 30; ST: 30 Movement: Run: 7” Swim: 2” Leap: 3” Combat Block: CV: 5; ECV: 4; Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

Skills: AK: Chelmarch 11-; AK: Nephelyne Hundred 11-; AK: Osselmarch 11-; AK: Tashal 11-; Acting 12-; Animal Handler (Equines) 12-; Camouflage 12-; Climbing 12-; Concealment 8-; Conversation 12-; CuK: Kaldoric Culture 11-; Fast Draw (Sword) 12-; High Society 12-; Jack of All Trades; PS: Foot Soldier 13-; PS: Harp 11-; PS: Lute 11-; PS: Mandolin 11-; PS: Minstrel 11-; PS: Mounted Scout 11-; PS: Singing 11-; Navigation (Land) 12-; Oratory (Storytelling) 13-; Paramedics 12-; Persuasion 12-; Riding 13-; Scholar; KS: Feudal Law 8-; KS: Heraldry 8-; KS: Kaldoric Military 11-; KS: Legends & Tales 13-; KS: Popular Ballads & Songs 13-; Shadowing 8-; Sleight Of Hand 12-; Stealth 12-; Streetwise 12-; Survival (Forests) 12-; Tactics 12-; WS: Lance 12-; WS: Shield 12-; WS: Shortbow 12-; WS: Spears & Polearms 12-; WS: Blades 13-; MA: Brawling 12-

Perks: Contact: Sir Verdis (Father; Good Relationship) 8-; Contact: Rynn The Harper (Good Relationship) 8-; Social Rank: Gentle Birth; Guild Status: Journeyman (Harper's Guild)

Talents: Resistance: Lightsleep, Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED); Not In Heavy Armor (-1/4)

Powers: Powerful Brawling: +2 PER with all Sense Groups

Disadvantages: Distinctive Features: Handsome (Easily); Hunted: Sir Reinhardt & Countess Curo's Enemies 8- (More, NCI, Watching); Psychological: Deep Desire To Become A Knight (Common, Strong); Psychological: Empathy for the Common Born (Common, Moderate); Psychological: Feels a Need to Prove Himself (Common, Moderate); Psychological: Wanderlust (Uncommon, Moderate); Rivalry: Professional (As Powerful; Knights in General; Seek to Outdo); Social: Oath of Fealty to House Curo (Frequently, Major)

Cost: Characteristics: 72; Skills: 108; Perks: 6; Talents: 8; Powers: 6
Breakdown: Base: 100; Disadvantages: 80; Companion Bonus: 20; Experience: 0
Total Character Cost: 200

Design Notes

Kamran was designed to be a traditional fighting minstrel character. He's designed to be impressive, but not over-powering. To facilitate speed of play in the PBEM medium the Chronicles of Counter-Harn does not use the the Speed Chart, Combat Values, Combat Levels, and Weapon Familiarities. Instead, combat is handled on a “turn by turn” basis and uses opposed skill rolls to determine hits (e.g., Sword vs. Sword, Sword vs. Shield, Sword vs. Dodge, etc). Speed is handled abstractly in the narrative. In a normal table top game I would turn Reinhardt’s Weapon Skills into Weapon Familiarities and purchase enough additional skill levels to make him dangerous.

roleplaying/hero/characters/kamran_inthin.txt · Last modified: 2006/02/22 15:00 by